Richmond Hill High School
Library Media Center

​Gale In Context is an excellent place to get started on any research project. Please see our Google Doc for off-campus logon information. For detailed info on how to use this database, check out our tutorial videos!
GALILEO is one of the most powerful database resources available to students in Georgia. For access anytime, please visit this Google Doc to get the current GALILEO off-campus password (must use your school Google Apps account to access).
If your class has visited the library for research, there is a chance that Mrs. Kiene has already pulled some articles for your topics. See if you lucked out by visiting Mrs. Kiene’s Wakelet Collections!
SIFT stands for Stop - Investigate the Source - Find Better Coverage - Trace Claims, Quotes, & Media back to their Original Content. Keep these ideas in mind whenever you are evaluating web sources!
For more in-depth ways to use SIFT, check out this short video series by CTRL+F on YouTube:
Online Verification Skills with Mike Caulfield